Strength & Conditioning Performance Training
The Hockey Hut believes that every player needs Strength & Conditioning training with a strong focus on quality movements specific for athletic conditioning. Located in the Hockey Hut Facility is Top Form Gym. Give them a call to set up an appointment today at 518-982-1195.
Sports Performance & Personal Training
When developing a dry- land training program, hockey players and their coaches need to consider many factors to ensure that it is effective and leads to athletic development.
Some of the factors are obvious- age and development level. Also, simple differences in physical maturity between male and female athletes of the same age must be taken into consideration.
Other factors are more long term and developed. Effective dry land training requires a properly phased program, including workouts that are individually broken down. An athletes program should have small and medium goals to his or her long term development. Every exercise performed should have a reason, and progressions done correctly should link together like puzzle pieces creating a better athlete overall.
What should an Athlete Assessment consist of?
- Movement Assessment: This is where a trainer can see how the athlete moves and if there is any pan associated with these movements. Understanding the how and why of moving well helps us aspire to move often. Results should show Strength, coordination, and balance and lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle.
What should you look for in a
Group Training & Team Training
- General Warm-Up: Jump rope, bike, and jog 5-10 minutes: this increases physiological and psychological levels.
- Dynamic Warm-Up: The athlete spends 10-15 minutes going through a series of exercises to increase range of motion; activate specific muscles and muscle groups; and wake up central nervous system to increase efficiency and reaction speed for movement patterns.
- CNS development focuses on speed, agility, quickness and power training. During this time the athlete works on various high-intensity exercises, NEVER allowing fatigue to harm technique. The exercises include plyometric as well as other agility drills such as speed ladders, mini hurdles, jump training and sprints.
- Power and Strength: This phase will include the Olympic lifts, Bodyweight movements, TRX movements, Barbell complexes, and standard DB and Barbell lifting.
- Energy System Development: This can be done on a separate day involving as little as 15-20 minutes of work. It includes threshold training, circuit training, jogging, or biking to specific agility patterns for longer duration.
- Recovery/Regeneration: Flexibility training such as stretching and rolling out with a foam roller, and even ice baths and massages are as vital as any other aspect of the workout, because they allow better nutrient transportation and recovery for the next event.
- Nutrition: After the end of a workout, practice, and game it’s time to refuel the tank! Protein shakes are great after a hard workout or practice. Get something in your body right away because if you don’t your body needs fuel and it will start attacking muscle if you don’t reload right away. Eat Breakfast, Find something that works! Skipping Breakfast will hurt you ion the long run especially during a GAME. Stay hydrated drink water throughout the day! Our certified nutritionist will also provide a nutrition program.